We’re growing!

Large round green leaf, with other smaller leaves underneath it

We, at Community Centred Knowledge have been busy, but we have not shared all of this busyness with you.

What have we been up to? What have we been learning? With whom have we been engaging and listening to? How are we regenerating?

There is so much to share with you, and it is going to take a little time to organise it all, so please bear with us whilst we get it all together to bring to you our latest ideas, reflections, news and more. We will be undertaking work on our digital interfaces for a short while, so we trust you will be patient with us.

We are also trusting that you will love it and visit us more often for greater and deeper interactions in the fields of community, life-learning, nourishment, nurturing, environment in many senses and its interface with humanity, somatic work, values, eldership and age-sets, reparative work, systemic justice in so many domains and all of this centering ecologies of Ubuntu.

We really look forward to hearing what you think of what we have to offer and we look forward to learning more from your views, ideas and aspirations.

Please keep in contact with us in the meantime, through this page and through
our twitter page (@indigenousknow) or on Instagram (@CommunityCentredKnowledge)
Thank you and see you soon!


What is Community Centred Knowledge?

Community Centred Knowledge is an emergent whole community movement which brings out the creative, dynamic and varied voices within community, family and individual through Ubuntu consciousness: the African inspired way of interdependence across all aspects of life animated by spiritual cosmologies of being and becoming.

We are an Earth Steward community.


Community Centred Knowledge is both whole-earth and whole-generational in its approach. It is attuned to the indigenous mind and so recognises the value of the feminine perspective inherent in progressive and Earth-centred thought.

We are community and because we affirm Ubuntu as a core philosophy, we engage with and as community members to share, exchange and celebrate knowledge of all kinds and paths. This knowledge is informed and filtered through and by community experience and cosmologies inter-connected to spirit and so is iterative and adaptive in nature and relevant at and to different scales  and aspects of community organisation.

We have different focuses to this knowledge:

Community Centred Learning: Learning is to us the process whereby we learn in order to become more fulfilled by and fulfilling of community vision and progress. Our learning is therefore allied to life-centric values which are wholistic and based upon system interdependence and moral integrity as designed by the people for the people. Our learning is progressive.

Our current projects involve designing a learning programme to support the natural and fulfilling ability to engage in learning as a lifelong process.

Community Centred Food: Food is a central unifying theme to life which takes upon itself multiple expressions. Food is what we take in, in order to survive, thrive and also to keep ourselves in balance with the environment we live in. When what we take in becomes out of balance, it becomes toxic: a poison to us and also, in a state of imbalance it poisons our relationships with all those we ought to share an interdependency upon this One Earth.

Our approach, therefore, is to inform ourselves and each other at all levels of community and beyond as to how to recreate a better, and thus more harmonised relationship with food. Food and Health are an interdependency which are embedded in Community Sovereignty and Justice.

We are currently working on food justice and food sovereignty issues as well as food growing projects in London and The South East, involving food poverty and food for whole person and community health and wellness. We are researching food ways and food lore to bring a sense of integrity to the UK and global food system and have participated in seed and food festivals and activism nationally and internationally.

Community Centred Lifestyle: Here our focus is of making links between the different and overlapping systems of life which we are part of or engage in in order to create balance in our lives. We recognise that one systems raw material may be another systems waste product and that this operates at different scales of focus.

We are involved in both reuse, recycle and upcycling projects and are open to working with new partners in bringing increased awareness, from an indigenous perspective, of what progressive livity means for the community, family and person.

KNOWLEDGE: Centred in the Community

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Knowledge is Life, Life is Freedom, Freedom is Power